Addressing Relevant Workforce Challenges

By close consideration of the most relevant and up to date industry and government priority reports, and through ongoing direct engagement with industrial, academic, and RTO users, we are looking to address priority needs for courses in areas such as:

  • ATMP Manufacturing Operations;

  • Digital Skills (Bootcamp);

  • Lab Skills (Bootcamp);

  • RNA Analytics;

  • Introduction of Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HPAPIs);

  • Regulatory and Compliance Standards;

  • Safety Protocols and Hazard Identification;

  • GMP Cleanroom Operations, Equipment, and Technology;

  • Quality Control and Assurance; Process Validation and Optimisation;

  • Emergency Response and Containment.

Awareness and Outreach

We aspire to be an open and widely accessible Center of Excellence, undertaking both active outreach and marketing through social media to promote the CoE and to onboard affiliate members and companies who require training and outreach support.

The RESILIENCE affiliate system is providing free access to materials (pre-16, 16-18, UG/MSc) which we will scale to over 150 schools, colleges, universities, and RTOs to ensure national accessibility.

Our Undergraduate Accelerator will be scaled to 20+universities.

VR hardware, training licenses and onboarding support will be provided to 20 universities, FE colleges and RTOs to support sector-specific outreach and training, standardization and consistency in delivery, digital skills development, and wider digital transformation and towards net-zero for training across those organisations.

Skills and Training

Building on existing skills initiatives, we are working together to coordinate training activities that enable scale up of skills development for medicines manufacturing.

This involves a balance of co-development - partners working on some common core activities to ensure standardisation, and scalable training and outreach across the UK - and specialist training, where partners develop and exclusively deliver their own specialist training, easing the way for continued use and sustainability.

Sustainability and Resilience

The Centre of Excellence’s vision of the end-to-end talent pipeline it not limited to outreach and training. We address sustainability and resilience through coaching and career profiling for early careers to match individuals to the right jobs for them and through support for emerging managers in motivating/building teams to maintain employee engagement and retention. A focus on (micro)SMEs enables talent support at what can be a critical time in a company’s growth.

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