Research to Impact
Britest Limited, tailored in-house training
Next date TBA
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The concept of ‘impact’ is increasingly important in research and higher education, but what exactly is it, why is it important, and how might individuals or groups achieve it? . This course helps post-graduates and early-stage researchers explore these questions over the course of an informative, interactive and entertaining day.
Subjects covered include identifying and protecting intellectual property, learning how to shape and pitch an idea, and collaboratively discussing live projects: how might students and staff identify aspects of their work that could impact the wider world, and how might that impact be delivered?
At the end of this course, trainees will:
Gain an appreciation for the types and definitions of impact
Understand how different sorts of intellectual property models operate
Practise skills for effective networking and business model mapping
Gain confidence in making a memorable pitch in a quickfire presentation format
Who should attend?
This training is primarily aimed at post-graduate students and post-doctoral researchers working as part of a single cohort within a single higher educational institution but the materials can be tailored to meet any reasonable institutional requirements.