Process Automation, Big Data and PAT

National Horizons Centre, Darlington

Next date TBA

£TBA, 50% discount in rate for SMEs, academia & NHS. Terms for access to lecture components for reduced fee under development

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This five-day course provides in-depth training in the benefits, strategies and concepts control in industrial biomanufacturing, including the challenges and operational complexity in maintaining productivity, efficiency, and quality in the bioprocessing environment and on multi-unit production lines. This course moves on from standard control strategies, to look at achieving operational efficiency through state-of-the-art process automation, control, and process analytical technology (PAT).

At the end of this course, trainees will develop a greater understanding of:

  • The initial phases of building the control improvement business case

  • How the benefits of advanced automation, control and PAT often far outweigh the cost of implementation

The Advanced Control Engineer’s ‘Toolkit’ is discussed in detail to understand how these approaches can be implemented in the development and regulated manufacturing environment.

Includes VR taining experience and digital knowledge assessment and feedback platform.

Topics covered include:

  • Automation

  • Process Control

  • Data Science

  • PAT

  • Industry 4.0

Who should attend?

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