
Apprenticeships offer a great opportunity to upskill your existing workforce and/or recruit new talent across your organisation. There are development opportunities for everyone!

Apprenticeships are available at many different levels and occupations across the UK, and the number of apprenticeships being undertaken within the UK pharmaceutical industry is on the rise. Accredited apprenticeships will usually lead to a recognised qualification, which include GCSEs/Nationals, up to and including part time study for a Foundation, Honours degree and/or Masters degrees.​

The following employer related links will provide useful starting points and information on specific opportunities to engage with apprenticeships in the UK.


Employing an apprentice (

Employer guides (

Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfatTE)

Northern Ireland

Apprenticeships in NI



Apprenticeships in Wales

Other advice and Guidance

Advanced Therapies Apprenticeship Community (ATAC)

Amazing Apprenticeships: What you need to know about apprenticeships

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

Cogent Skills: Apprenticeship advice and vacancies

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