Outreach Blog

Updates and reflections from the RESILIENCE STEM Outreach Team on their efforts to switch on schools students and others to the potential of a career in Medicines Manufacturing.

Using immersive Virtual Reality for teaching – yes please!

06 Sep 24

Over 200 pupils from 11 Renfrewshire secondary schools explored exciting educational pathways and career opportunities in Scotland's Life & Chemical Sciences and Advanced Manufacturing sectors during the recent Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC) Employability Day.

Free training with immersive VR? Too good to be true? Guess again!

31 Jul 24

Over fifty undergraduate and postgraduate students from all over Scotland attended a careers fair in Glasgow last week. Students were "absolutely blown away" by the RESILIENCE programs and future plans. RESILIENCE Research Associate at Heriot-Watt University Laura Porcza explains more...

Medicines Manufacturing Careers Outreach Week

23 Jul 24

‘A’ level students from across 3 schools have just completed an intensive 3-day lab placement at the UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering under the wing of RESILIENCE Outreach lead Dr Bernice Wright. The students enjoyed learning about mammalian cell culture and key analytics for evaluating cell phenotype, viability, and cellular products.

Sixth-form student gains experience in real and virtual university research labs

18 Jul 24

Thanks to RESILIENCE outreach activity a sixth form student from North Yorkshire recently spent a week in the research group of Prof Muhammad Safwan Akram at Teesside University learning all about the aseptic techniques required for working to good laboratory practice in both the virtual and the real world.

Students dive into cellular therapy development through RESILIENCE outreach

26 Jun 24

A group of students from the USA had the chance to experience a virtual introduction to the interior of a cell and visualise potential careers in medicines manufacturing during a recent visit to Heriot-Watt University.

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